From global corporations to intelligent trades businesses; from food production to aerospace: Our customers benefit day in, day out, from the quality, safety, and cost efficiency that a Kaeser compressed air supply brings.
Learn about our development from a machine shop to one of the world's most successful manufacturers of compressed air systems.
Mind the gap
Variable speed control compressors can be an important component of an optimized system provided that it is properly applied. Variable speed is not, however, a simple panacea for instant compressed air system efficiency. The dynamics of the control must be understood and the machines properly sized.
Piston compressors are still the most common type of compressor found in the automotive service industry that includes gas stations, general service, quick lube shops, tire stores, fleet maintenance facilities, dealer fixed operations, and collision repair. For most of these facilities, the relatively low air demand and quality needed make the piston a cost effective choice.
For many small compressed air users, the question of where to place the receiver tank in their system comes up frequently. It’s often taken for granted but the tank performs several vital functions and is worth talking about.
One important way operational efficiencies can be increased is by harnessing heat from compressed air systems, which are a major component of industrial energy consumption.