Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryers

Kaeser's refrigerated compressed air dryers provide reliable operation and proven energy savings for pressure dew points as low as 38°F

Kaeser' refrigerated air dyers are available from 10 to 3355 scfm. Non-cycling and cycling dryers provide maximum efficiency by offering the best drying solution for a wide range of applications.

An overview of our refrigerated compressed air dryers

High-pressure refrigerated dryers, up to 3000 scfm

HT-100 high pressure refrigerated dryer

The right choice for high working pressures

  • Optimal for use downstream of reciprocating compressors, especially downstream of boosters
  • Air-cooled version for pressure of 725/680 psig up to 2400 scfm
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High-pressure refrigerated dryers, up to 3000 scfm