With service centers nationwide and our 24-hour emergency parts guarantee, Kaeser customers can rely on the best after-sales support in the industry.
From global corporations to intelligent trades businesses; from food production to aerospace: Our customers benefit day in, day out, from the quality, safety, and cost efficiency that a Kaeser compressed air supply brings.
Learn about our development from a machine shop to one of the world's most successful manufacturers of compressed air systems.
Our blog features articles on current topics in the compressed air industry. Our experts clarify common misconceptions and current industry buzz words in short, concise, easy to follow entries.
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Read this year's posts below, scroll down for previous years' blog content, or use the links on the right to search by topic:
We recently visited a high-end specialty metal fabricator who asked us to assess their compressed air system. This blog contains a detailed report to the shop management on what we found.
How much is your compressed air system costing you? Check out this updated infographic.
The amount of noise produced by screw compressors can vary depending on several factors, including the size and type of compressor, the operating speed, and the surrounding environment.
Don't treat portable compressor service as a once-a-year requirement