SECOTEC refrigeration dryers efficiently maintain pressure dew points of up to +38°F during full load operation. Thanks to their narrow fluctuation range, pressure dew points are also more stable during partial load operation than is the case with conventional refrigeration dryers.
Conventional refrigeration dryers with switching operating modes, but without an additional thermal mass, use the heat exchanger material itself as a thermal mass. In these dryers it is therefore necessary to switch the refrigerant compressors and fan motors on and off much more frequently, in order to maintain the required cooling performance.
To reduce switching frequency and wear, the refrigerant circuit therefore only switches on at much higher pressure dew points. The resulting fluctuations in the pressure dew point negatively affect drying performance. This can be risky, since corrosion can take hold even with relative compressed air humidity of 40% – corrosion can therefore occur even without condensate formation.
SECOTEC refrigerated dryers, on the other hand, ensure long-life operation thanks to their high thermal mass storage capacity. Once the thermal mass has been charged, the refrigerant compressor and fan motor can remain switched off for much longer without impacting pressure dew point stability.